What is a 3D Cinematic?

3D Animatics, or Cinematics, are highly finished forms of computer-generated animation created digitally using 3D actors and environments that are endlessly customizable. 3D Animatics come to life through our motion capture technology that translates performances from mo-cap actors to be fully animated by our 3D animation team overnight. 3D Animatics enable fluid animation, complex camera work, and an exceptionally fast turn-around time.

What is a 2D Animatic?

2D Animatics are traditional, hand-drawn illustrations, created by an artist from our roster, that are translated into layered images animated by our 2D animation team. These are great for conveying visually unique or stylistic ideas in a test spot.

Let’s Compare!

[wptb id=7767]
[ninja_tables id="7918"]
3D Animatic 2D Animatic
Do I choose an artist? No, however, you can choose which cinematic style you prefer. Yes, you select one artist, per spot, from our roster.
Standard timeline 10-12 Business Days (up to 10 spots) 15+ Business Days (assuming 1 artist per spot)
Can all of my animatics look alike? Yes, our styles are created in the same uniform look Only with 1 artist
How do you animate the frames? 3D motion-capture technology 2D flash animation
How much does an animatic cost? Comparable, if not less expensive, than 2D Based on variables (lead time, level of finish, frame count, etc.)
What is included with standard pricing? 1 rough sketch edit posting, 2 postings of 3D art work, and 4 animation postings 1 rough sketch edit posting, 2 black & white frame edit postings, 1 color edit posting, and 3 animation postings